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After tests were conducted, it was revealed Ronav had a hole in his heart and that he was in danger of losing his life. It was as if my world had collapsed

It was on the 9th of July 2011 when the Lord Almighty blessed me with a cute baby boy, Ronav. Even though I had some complications during my delivery as my baby was overdue, I managed to give birth to a healthy baby. I thank God for protecting me from what I thought I wanted and blessing me with what I didn’t know I needed. Time passed by and I was enjoying my motherhood when suddenly every happiness of mine was shattered away. My son started to get sick. He was just 1 year old. He stopped eating food. His body became weak and fragile. He complained that he was having pain in his chest and was having shortness of breath. He was not able to play, run or do anything. In addition to this pain, I separated from my husband and became a single parent. It was devastating enough to have a child getting admitted to hospital frequently. But to do it alone was overwhelming. I had to survive. It was very tough financially. I worked two jobs. I started at 8am and finished at 11pm. But Ronav’s frequent hospitalisations meant I could not fulfill my responsibilities at work. My salary was being deducted. My bills were growing. I had to pay for rent, pay bills, buy groceries and pay for the frequent taxi rides to the hospitals.

It was overwhelming. But I couldn’t let Ronav down. One day, Ronav became gravely ill. We rushed to CWM Hospital. After tests were conducted, it was revealed Ronav had a hole in his heart and that he was in danger of losing his life. It was as if my world had collapsed. I couldn’t afford to go to New Zealand or Australia and pay over $100,000 for his surgery. I could hardly afford to make ends meet in my day-to-day expenses. I prayed for Ronav with all my heart. I asked God to save him. He did. He sent his angels in the form of Sai Prema Foundation and the surgeons and doctors who saved Ronav. The surgeons had come and we went for heart screening and consultation. They decided that he was a critical patient and needed immediate surgery. When I met the Sai Prema Foundation members and the surgeon Dr Asish Katewa, I was very encouraged. They gave me a lot of confidence. They were so soft-spoken loving and caring. When Ronav went for surgery, the 5 hours felt like 5 years. I had so many thoughts. The main thought was “will I ever be able to see my Ronav again”. God heard my prayers and the operation was a super successful one. The surgeons, doctors and Foundation team not only took care of my Ronav but gave me a new life also. I never expected this but this miracle happened. After surgery, Ronav started to live a normal life like other children of his age. Within six months he gained almost 10kg of weight. He is now able to play, run or do any kind of physical activity. The changes that have happened to him after the surgery are unbelievable. This miracle is God’s grace. Ronav and I would not be here if it wasn’t for Sai Prema Foundation. They gave this gift to us and it didn’t cost me anything. It was totally free.

I want to thank Mr Sumeet Tappoo and Dr Krupali Tappoo. They didn’t know me from before but they have treated us like family. We cherish their humility and love. I know I am not the only person who was helped by the Sai Prema Foundation but thousands of other people were helped by them. Whenever I see Ronav doing things on his own, a smile fills my face. I had lost all hope. But then God sent his angels – the Sai Prema Foundation. Today Ronav is 10 years old. He is in Year 4 and a class prefect and he can now do everything that he wishes to. He has put on a lot of weight and is fit and healthy now. I want to tell all mothers – there will be so many times you feel like you’ve failed. Don’t ever lose hope. For your child, you are super mom. I Didn’t Set Out To Be A Single Mom; I Set Out To Be The Best Mom I Could Be. And That Hasn’t Changed.

Angelene Singh